I currently serve as an Assistant Professor at University of Delhi (DU). I hold a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Banaras Hindu University (BHU), where I also completed my Master's in Computer Science, earning two academic gold medals. Previously, I have worked as Assistant Professor at Bennett University and have also amassed over three years of professional experience at the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), where I held a permanent technical post. My research interests encompass Social Media Data Anlytics, Multimodal Data, Computer Vision, and AI for Social Good.

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi
Academic Gold Medals
National Level Certifications
Published Research Works
As an Assistant professor and Researcher, I am passionate about encouraging innovation and achieving meaningful results in my field. I have good experience and skills in data analytics. My vision is to turn complex challenges into practical solutions, contributing to both academic knowledge and real-world applications.
Ph.D. Computer Science
2021 - 2024
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
My PhD research is in AI on topic "Computational Methods and Resources for Analysis of Multimodal Social Media Data Towards Online Well-Being"
M.Sc. Computer Science
2015 - 2017
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Received Masters Degree with distinction accompanied with 2 university Gold medals for outstanding academic record.
B.Sc. (Hons) Computer Science
2012 - 2015
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Received Bachelor of Science (Hons) Computer science degree with distinction. Maths and Physics were the other two subjects read alongwith Computer Science
Intermediate/ 12th
Central Board of Secondary Education
High School/ 10th
Central Board of Secondary Education
Academic Membership
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society, dedicated to advancing computing as a science and profession. As a member, I engage with a global community of innovators, access valuable resources such as research publications, and participate in events that foster professional growth and collaboration in the field of technology.
The International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) is a global professional organization dedicated to the study of scientific and scholarly communication, as well as the quantitative analysis of science and technology. Founded in 1993, ISSI aims to foster collaboration and communication among scholars and practitioners interested in scientometrics and informetrics, and to promote the development and application of innovative methods and tools for the analysis of scientific and scholarly communication.
Academic Groups
Indian Science Reports
The Indian Science Reports portal is a repository of various quantitative indicators of Indian Scientific research during the period 2010-19. While some indicator values (namely, TP, TC and Cited %) are taken from the scholarly database Dimensions, most of the other indicators are computed by using standard Scientometric methods. Some values (such as x and x(g) index) are computed by using network-based and text-based analytical methods. Relevant comparisons with other major countries are also provided..
Text Analytics Research is a group of researchers working in the area of text analytics, information systems, scientometrics and artificial intelligence. The group also maintains a Text Analytics Laboratory based at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. The group members include faculty members, post doctoral researchers, doctoral researchers, few masters students and some collaborators from India and abroad.
Extra Curriculer/ Hobbies
Played at the zonal level at DRDO.
Work Experience
Assistant Professor
Dec 2024 - Till date
Department of Computer Science, University of Delhi
- Roles and reponsibilities include teaching, supervision and adminstration.
- Subjects teaching: Natural Language Processing & Research Methedology
- Teaching, Research, Administration
Assistant Professor
Jul 2024 - Dec 2024
School of Computer Science Engineering & Technology, Bennett University
- Roles and reponsibilities include teaching, mentoring and supervision.
- Subjects taught: Database Managment System & SQL
- Additional responsibilities:
- Technical expert at Global AI summit
- Pannel member at Smart BU Hackathon
- Teaching, Research
Junior Research Fellow
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology & BHU
- Project Title : AI-based predictive analytics of visitors to Public Places and its applications for better People Management
- Primary objective states the analysis of CCTV video feeds for effective monitoring of public places.
- Detailed objectives includes implementation of SOTA algorithms in the following areas: People count, Face Detection, Age, Gender and Emotion classification, Footfall prediction ...
- Improved my technical writing and communication skills to collaborate with other peers and produce quality research articles.
- Computer Vision, Tensorflow, MongoDB
Senior Technical Assistant 'B'
2017 - 2020
DRDO, Ministry of defence, GOI
- Gained multi-stranded experience during the tenure and was posted in Information Technology Group.
- Primary duties included Web application development to upkeep the office automation (eGov).
- Duties also included Database, Network, and Server administration and supervision.
- Discharged additional administrative duties including Safety official, SwatchBharat mission supervisor and promoter of Rajbhasha.
- Developed good interpersonal skills by working closely with admin and accounts staff to address their automation need.
- Automation, C#, ASP.NET, ASP, VB Script, MS SQL server
Computational Analysis of the Structure and Dynamics of Scholarly Networks
Master's Major Project
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- Analysis of the research paper citation networks generated on various fields of research in Computer Science using PageRank algorithm.
- Analysed top 1% highly cited papers in Computer Science published around the world to identify traits of a productive research.
- A focused anatomy was done to underline Indian scenario.
- Scientometrics, Python, MySQL
Design and Analysis of PageRank Algorithm under Map-Reduce Framework
Master's Minor Project
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- Google's PageRank algorithm was studied to grasp the importance of weighted edge network.
- HDFS, Python, Linux
Web Development on Topic “Varanasi Tourism”
Bachelor's Project
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- Developed a website for promotion of tourism in Varanasi.
- The provision of local vendors, hotel owners to interact with the tourists were present.
- Web Development, JSP, HTML5, Oracle 10G
This section contains references to my published research articles alongwith some snippet of results from these articles.
- Artificial intelligence for Sustainable Development Goals: Bibliometric patterns and concept evolution trajectories (2024) (Sustainable Development, Wiley IF: 12.5)
- A hybrid transformer–sequencer approach for age and gender classification from in-wild facial images (2024) (Neural Computing and Applications, Springer IF: 6.0)
- Misogynistic Attitude Detection in YouTube comments and replies: A high-quality dataset and algorithmic models (2024) (Computer Speech & Language, Elsevier IF: 4.3)
- MIMIC: Misogyny Identification in Multimodal Internet Content in Hindi-English Code-Mixed Language (2024) (ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, ACM IF: 2.0)
- THAR- Targeted Hate Speech Against Religion: A high-quality Hindi-English code-mixed Dataset with the Application of Deep Learning Models for Automatic Detection (2024) (ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, ACM IF: 2.0)
- A Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Sustainable Development Goals by the G20 Countries (2024) (Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, NISCPR IF: 0.7)
- Bibliographic Coupling and Conceptual Similarity: Are the Bibliographically Coupled Papers also Conceptually Similar? (2024) (Journal of Scientometric Research IF: 0.6)
- Data to Decisions: A Computational Framework to Identify Skill Requirements from Advertorial Data. (2024) (Accepted in International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing, CCIS, Springer)
- Towards a large sized curated and annotated corpus for discriminating between human written and AI generated texts: A case study of text sourced from Wikipedia and ChatGPT (2023) (Natural Language Processing Journal, Elsevier)
- Research Collaboration: Characterizing the global trends during the last five decades (2023) (Poster, Science Technology & Innovation Conference, Netherlands)
- Indian Science Reports: a web-based scientometric portal for mapping Indian research competencies at overall and institutional levels (2022) (Scientometrics, Springer IF: 3.9)
- Research on Sustainable Development Goals: How has Indian Scientific Community Responded? (2022) (Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, NISCPR IF: 0.7)
- Exploring Deep Learning Methods for Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images: Towards NextGen Convolutions via Transformers (2022) (International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing, CCIS, Springer)

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Department of Computer Science, BHU, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh-221005